The Make Do team are hotshots. They did things with WordPress we didn’t think were possible. I would highly recommend their services
Liz Hnat – Fun Palaces Project Manager
Project Background
Fun Palaces is an incredible global celebration of art and science. As an international festival of creativity, Fun Palaces wanted to focus on delivering outstanding art events, while the experts at Make Do handled the technical side.
This fabulous project still ranks as one of our most challenging and rewarding ventures.
Project Challenges & Goals
When Fun Palaces presented us with its project and a six week deadline, we knew we had our work cut out. Bringing a disparate on-line presence, scattered across Tumblr, Facebook and other social networks, under one umbrella was one of Make Do’s tallest orders to date.
Fun Palaces’ goals were:
- To appeal to a defined target audience of artistic people across the world
- To incorporate a fully customised WordPress login system
- To complete social media integration
- To include full functionality for “Makers” to add and publicise events
WordPress Implementation
To cater to Fun Palace’s target audience, the site needed to be fully responsive, and provide a range of functions to allow users to register, create events and communicate with each other.
We designed a bespoke login system using WordPress which provided the functionality required while still retaining Fun Palaces’ distinct identity.
In just six weeks the site was live and fully functional, with interactive maps to allow users to find their closest events as well as integrated blogging, image posting and social sharing functions.
Benefits & Outcomes
The site has helped more than 332 event organisers from all over the world organise over 287 events. And that number continues to grow every year. Make Do regularly assist Fun Palaces on an ad-hoc basis, adding Instagram integration, a new image carousel and a range of other upgrades and new functions. We also provide full hosting support to this constantly evolving website.
Check out the ever-evolving site over at