There’s certainly no shortage of website design and development companies out there, plying their trade. And it seems like every single one has a unique speciality. Some focus on responsive designs for phones and tablets, some put SEO first, and some are totally focused on strong visual branding.

Here at Make Do, we’ve got our own speciality too. We’re a WordPress agency.
But why did we choose to select designing and developing WordPress websites and plugins as our niche? What does focusing on a specific kind of platform deliver for our clients?
In this post, I’ll dig deep and find the real value for you in working with a WordPress agency.
Let’s find out.
One – Flexibility
Chances are that when you speak to a WordPress specialist, they’re going to tell you that they’re flexible. We certainly tell our clients as much. We’ve even got a dedicated page telling the world that we’re a flexible WordPress agency!
There’s a good reason for this. It’s because the WordPress platform provides designers and developers with a huge amount of flexibility – meaning that your website can do exactly what it needs to.
Want to sell more online? One of WordPress’ eCommerce plugins will provide you with everything you need. Concerned about SEO? There must be hundreds of plugins out there that can enhance your WordPress website’s optimisation. Mobile Friendly? Coding up a responsive WordPress theme is easy when you know how.
Whatever you need your site to do, WordPress gives you the flexibility to do it. As long as the agency you choose has a team of developers with a little know-how.
Two – Technical Expertise
Don’t fall into the trap of thinking WordPress is entirely a plug-and-play system. Sure, there are thousands upon thousands of plugins and themes to offer all sorts of functionality to your web project, but as any developer can tell you, off-the-shelf moving parts have a strange habit of interacting in weird and wonderful ways.
Creating custom WordPress plugins really sharpens up a developer’s technical skills. Of course you could download or ‘hack’ an off-the-shelf plugin for a lot of tasks in your website project but when you flex those development muscles and create something bespoke the outcome is cleaner, leaner, more secure and easier to maintain and support.
But knowing how to develop and maintain bespoke WordPress plugins and themes does more than give the Make Do team a chance to put our technical expertise to great use. It provides us with a huge amount of flexibility, which means we can always come up with a bespoke solution to any problem that our clients present us with.
Especially when clients come back to us time and time again for this service.
Three – Agility
An agency who specialise in WordPress design and development will probably drop the word agility into conversation now and again. Because a bespoke WordPress site is made up of a modular and expandable system, it can be tweaked fairly quickly as your business’ requirements change.
For some clients, especially those with an eye on long term success and the bigger picture, this agility and the ability to change how their website functions is a key decision behind choosing a design and development company in the first place.
Whether it’s your in-house team using the WordPress content management system to keep the site updated, or your agency partner working on a retainer basis to provide you with ongoing support, choosing a WordPress agency really does provide an extra level of agility for your online efforts.
Four – Experience
Up until now, we’ve mainly focused on the benefits of working with any WordPress-focused agency. So let’s bring things closer to home and really drill down on the value that Make Do provides to your business. We can sum it up in just one word.
WordPress, as a platform, is a little over 15 years old. So it’s been around the block, seen countless updates, and evolved into a tool that’s easy to learn but really quite difficult to master. Unless of course, you’ve been working with WordPress since day one.
Some members of the Make Do team have been using WordPress’ various iterations since the platform was launched in 2003. We’ve experienced everything the platform’s thrown at us – right up to the recent (and slightly controversial) updates that unleashed the Gutenberg editor on the world.
So while the chances are high that you can find a WordPress agency that offers some blend of flexibility and expertise to give your company the agility you need, there’s really only Make Do that adds to that value with 15 years’ hard-won expertise!
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